St John Plessington Catholic College

About the Course:

This subject is offered as an A Level course. Unlock the secrets of our universe, be challenged and fascinated by the microscopic and macroscopic! Learn about antimatter, particle accelerators, how light can behave as a wave or as particles! Learn the Physics behind musical instruments and what history has taught us about how our world works! Our Physics course is contextualised, making the  subject taught relevant to everyday applications and experiences and is suited to students with good mathematical, analytical and problem-solving skills.


As with Biology and Chemistry, Physics is taught as a modular course that is assessed by examinations in January and June. There is also a practical assessment which is marked internally, providing 10% of the final grade for both As and A2 awards.


Unit 1 PHYB1 harmony and structure in the universe
Written Examination – 1 ¼ hours.
Module 1: The world of music
Module 2: From the Quarks to Quasars
20% of the overall A Level marks

Unit 2 PHYB2 Physics keep us going
Written Examination – 1 ¼ hours.
Module 1: Moving people, people moving
Module 2: Energy and the environment
20% of the overall A Level marks

Unit 3 Investigative and Practical skills in AS physics
Practical skills assessment
Investigative skills assessment
10 %of the overall A Level marks


Unit 4 – Physics inside and out
Written Examination – 1 hour 45 minutes
Module 1: Experiences Out of this World
Module 2: What Goes Around Comes Around
Module 3 Imagining the Invisible
20% of the overall A Level marks

Unit 5 – Energy under the microscope
Written Examination - 1 hour 45 minutes
Module 1: Matter under the Microscope
Module 2: Breaking Matter Down
Module 3: Energy from the Nucleus
20% of the overall A Level Mark

Unit 6 – Investigative and practical skills in A2 physics
Practical Skills Assessment
Investigate Skills Assignment
10% of the overall A Level Mark

Is there anything else I need to know?

This course would be suited to students who have achieved a grade C or above in Mathematics and Core and Additional Science GCSE.

Progression Routes:

Physics is a good choice for students looking to progress into careers such as engineering, electronics, education, IT and software design, medicine, domestic energy supply, dentistry and veterinary science.

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