St John Plessington Catholic College

Catholic Life & Mission at SJP

Catholic Life and Mission at SJP

At St John Plessington Catholic College we seek to ensure that we are ‘Faithful to Christ’ in all that we do. The Gospel values of Jesus; faithfulness, compassion, humility, truth, forgiveness, holiness, peace and service, are at the heart of the life and mission of our school. 

We share the vision of the Catholic Education Service;

“to make the person of Jesus Christ known and loved, and to place Him and the teachings of the Catholic Church at the centre of the educational enterprise. In placing ‘Christ at the Centre’, Catholic education seeks to invite all into a life of discipleship within the Body of the Church.”  

St John Plessington is dedicated to the ongoing education of children within the mission and vision of the Diocese of Shrewsbury. We acknowledge that parents are the first educators of their children and we support them in this role.