St John Plessington Catholic College

Remote and Blended Learning

  • How can my child access Google Classroom?

This can be accessed via the website from a laptop or computer. If you have access to smart devices (smart phones/tablets) there is also a free Google Classroom App that can be downloaded, where students can access their specific classes.

  • How does my child log on to Google Classroom?

Each student has a unique log in (username) and password.

Username – This is your child’s current username for the school’s network (date of birth & initials in lower case) with the school domain following.

Password – This is the same as the beginning of the username but with the initials in capitals.

Example for John Doe:

Username - (6 digit date of birth, initials in lowercase, school domain).

Password – 010106JD (6 digit date of birth, initials in capitals).

  • How does my child access a class for each subject?

Subject teachers have created a classroom for all of their teaching groups. These classes will be titled with the subject/class code and the teacher’s name (E.G. 7a/Pe1 Mrs Jones). On creating a class, teachers have generated a unique Google Classroom code, which allows only those students within that class to access the materials. 

Following log in to Google Classroom, students should then go to the top right of the screen where they will see a ‘+’ sign. Students must click on this and select ‘join class’. A box will then appear on screen where students must enter the class code for that particular subject and then click join.

  • My child has lost their sheet with the individual class codes and log in details, what can we do?

For usernames and passwords please see above.

For individual subject class codes please refer to your child’s year group class code table, which has been sent via ParentMail with this letter. Look for the relevant subject, the specific class code (a - alpha or b - beta) and the individual teacher of your child. You will then find the Google Classroom code next to this information.

  • Once my child has joined a class what should they do then?

Once a student has accessed the individual class, there will be directions in there from the individual teacher for what needs to be completed. 

  • What if my child’s login doesn’t work?

Please refer to the school’s website for all help and advice should there be any issues with logging on.

Please use the online form on ParentMail to request help.

If you don't have  ParentMail please follow this link <> for online support. 

  • When does my child need to complete the work?

Students should follow their normal timetable for that specific day. Of course, we are not expecting students to stick to actual lesson times unless you wanted to facilitate this. However, in order to ensure a guided routine we do expect students to access the 5 individual subjects that they would have for that day if they were in school. Students have timetables in their planners, which they use on a daily basis so that they know which lessons they have.


Remote Learning Form