St John Plessington Catholic College

About the Course:

This subject is offered as an A Level course. Chemistry is the study of everything material. What we eat, wear, drive, build and listen to is all affected by Chemistry. You will gain a challenging and fascinating insight into the building blocks of our planet.


As with Physics and Biology, Chemistry is taught as a modular course that is assessed by examinations in January and June. There is also a practical assessment which is marked internally, providing 10% of the final grade for both AS and A2 awards.


Unit 1 – CHEM1 Foundation Chemistry

Examination - 1 hour 15 minutes
16.6% of the overall A level marks

Unit 2- CHEM2 Chemistry in Action
Examination - 1hour 45 minutes
23.3% of the overall A level mark

Unit 3 – Internal Assessment Investigative skills in AS chemistry
Practical skills Assignment
Investigative skills Assignment
10% of the overall A Level marks


Unit 4 – Kinetics, Equilibria and organic chemistry
Examination- 1 hour 45 minutes
Some of the questions will have a synoptic element.
20% of the overall A Level marks

Unit 5 – Energetics, Redox and Inorganic Chemistry
Examination- 1 hour 45 minutes
Some of the questions will have a synoptic element.
20% of the overall A Level marks

Unit 6 – Internal Assessment Investigative skills in A2 chemistry
Practical Skills Assessment
Investigate Skills Assignment
10% of the overall A Level marks

Is there anything else I need to know?

This course is suited to students who have followed the Core Science and Additional Science Course in Years 10 & 11 and have achieved a Grade C or above. Students will develop excellent practical and problem-solving skills and the course will prepare them for a wide range of degree courses and careers in science.

Progression Routes

Chemistry is a good  choice for students looking to progress into careers involving health, research or industry. These may include professions such as medicine, dentistry, vetinerary science, education, forensic science, biochemistry, chemical engineering, pharmaceutical research and development.

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