St John Plessington Catholic College

Question Time

Is the gender pay gap decreasing? How can we inspire young women to be ambitious? These were just some of the many questions raised by our audience of Y9, Y10 and sixth form pupils from both SJP and St Mary’s Catholic Colleges at the ‘Question Time’ Big Pay Gap Debate on Thursday 26th April. Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

The panel of experts comprised Chris Shirling-Rooke (CEO of Mersey Maritime), Kate Eugeni (Head of Education at Wirral Chamber of Commerce), Jade Rice (Senior Marketing Executive of B&M Waste Services) and our Deputy Head Teacher, Ms Sharratt. They were kept on their toes with excellent interviewing from our Head Boy Jonathan Nield whose direct and humorous style was akin to Jeremy Paxman, making sure that no questions were avoided and no stones left unturned.

The event was a fantastic opportunity for pupils to experience academic debate and it was encouraging to see them engaging with the controversial topics and developing their oracy skills by asking questions which built on the flow of the discussion and challenged some of the viewpoints expressed by the panel. The pupils were left with the challenge that they are the future of the workplace; if they want to see change, they need to be the change.