St John Plessington Catholic College

Year 7 First Steps Experience – Conway Centre 24th-26th April 2023

I hope your child is looking forward to our forthcoming educational excursion to the Conway Centre. 

Attached is a recommended kit list from the Conway Centre. It has been advised that each day students are to wear four layers of clothing. Old clothing is preferable due to the activities in which students will participate.

On Monday 24th April, students should arrive at school at 8.30am with their luggage. Students will need to line up on the Quad where they will be registered and taken to the coach. On this day, students must please bring a packed lunch. Students who receive free school meals will have a lunch provided and do not need to bring a packed lunch. 

Mobile phones are not required during the trip. School will contact you once we arrive and when we are heading home. There is also a phone at the Conway Centre, if students need to contact you urgently or if you need to phone in an emergency. The number for this – only to be used in an EMERGENCY - is 01248 714501. This number is not staffed at the Centre. In an emergency, you can contact College during working hours and the staff here will pass your message to the staff on the trip. If your son/daughter wishes to take their phone there will be time allocated for students to use this for a short time each evening, under staff supervision in the main recreation hall, students will not be allowed phones in their dorm rooms. (i.e. not in rooms). Students will be able to text home after 6pm dinner. We respectfully ask that parents do not telephone students during this time as this tends to make children away from home more homesick. We encourage all students to use their phone appropriately during this time.

Please be aware that if your child is not attending the trip, they should attend school in full uniform. They will follow a bespoke timetable for these three days. The timetables will be communicated with those students not attending in advance. If you do have any concerns, as always, please do not hesitate to contact the school on

Yours sincerely,

J Gascoigne

Assistant Head Teacher