information you about the arrangements for the forthcoming trial examinations for all Year 13 students.
Examinations will take place for most subjects. These are a vital part of our on-going programme of assessing your child’s progress to date in key subject areas. Performance in these exams allows us to identify where further additional support strategies can be put in place to enable progress towards targets to be met.
Please see below a copy of the examination timetable, it’s important that all students go through their timetables to ensure they are fully aware of when they’re exams are to ensure full preparation. When not in exams, students should attend lessons as per their usual timetable.
Can I also take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support.
If you have any concerns with your child’s progress in general, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at schooloffice@stjohnplessington.comor by telephoning the Head of Learning.
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