St John Plessington Catholic College

Uniform / Appearance and Mobile Phones

Dear Families

It has been wonderful to have our students back in school this week. Year 7 has made a great first impression.

Whilst the vast majority of students have returned back to college looking smart, wearing the correct uniform and following our ready, respectful and safe rules, there have sadly been a number of students who have not.

It is my basic expectation that students attend school and lessons on time, with the correct uniform and are respectful to themselves, staff and the environment at all times.

From Monday, having had a week to get things in place we will have a drive on our uniform and appearance and mobile phone policy. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you and your child of my expectations and consequences if they are not adhered to.

Jewellery - Students should not wear jewellery, piercings, false eyelashes or makeup whilst on the school site. From Monday, if a student is wearing jewellery they will be asked to remove it by a member of staff who will confiscate it. The items will be placed in the school safe and students will need to collect it from reception at the end of the school day the following Friday.

Mobile phones - mobile phones should not be used while on school premises. Students are reminded they must switch their mobile phones off before entering the school gate and must not switch them on again until they leave. This is for the safety and wellbeing of everyone.

In the event that a student is seen using their phone, it will be confiscated and placed in the school safe. Mobile phones will only be returned when a parent comes to collect it. There will be no exception to this rule.

If your child wishes to speak with you or you with them, this can be done through their Head of Learning.

I hope that I can rely on your support as we work together to ensure that all children can thrive in a mutually respectful, safe and caring environment.

Yours sincerely

Ms Maria Sharratt