Another great year for A Level results at SJP
St John Plessington Catholic College celebrates excellent results today for A-level students with 36% of students achieving A*-B grades, 69% achieving A*-C and a 98% pass rate for all students (A*-E).
These results show the continued success of SJP in preparing students exceptionally well for their next stage in life, with increased numbers successfully gaining places at their first choice university. We are very proud of our students and their 100% record of success in the UCAS process.
Among those celebrating were:
Eleanor Anderson - Dist* Dist Dist
Millie Ashcroft – A B Dist
Matthew Breeze – A* A B
Liam Christopherson - Dist Dist Dist
Huw Dalby – A A B
Liam Donnelly - Dist Dist Dist
Nathan Hewitt – B B Dist
Callum McCaffrey - Dist Dist Dist
Thomas Mitchell – B B B
Matthew Moore – A* A* A*
Hannah Mulllins - Dist Dist Dist
Georgia Nedelcu - Dist* Dist Dist
Ciaran Nenna - Dist Dist Dist
Mollie O’ Sullivan - Dist Dist Dist
Jasmine Patio – A B Dist
Charlie Rooney - Dist Dist Dist
Ellis Simmons – A B B
Joshua Smith – A* A* A*
Harry Taylor – A B Dist*
Head Teacher, Mr Simon Rylance, commented: “It has been another excellent year for A Level results which reflect on the commitment and application of our students. Congratulations to all of them for their success and we wish them well as they embark on the next stage of their journey. The results reflect the dedication and expertise of our staff who work closely with our parents to support them during their time here. Our Sixth Form here at SJP is an integral part of our broader community and continues to flourish.”