St John Plessington Catholic College

22.08.31 Return to School

Dear Families
As the summer break draws to a close, I’m writing to remind you about a number of important points as we return to school. 
September 2022
We are looking forward to welcoming all students back to the college from Monday 5th September as follows: 

  • Year 7 will return on Monday 5 September at 08:30 followed by Year 12 students at 09:30.
  • Year 11 and Y13 will return on Monday 5 September at 11:00.
  •  Other year groups will return to school on Tuesday 6 September at 08:30

Attendance has the greatest impact on achievement.  If your child is absent through illness, please notify the school on the first day of absence by telephoning school.  I must remind you that holidays should not be taken during term time.  Taking children out of school during term time could result in an Education Penalty Notice being issued. 
Students should return in full uniform in September.  The uniform also clearly outlines expectations on footwear, which must be plain black shoes of a polishable material and with no sports logos.  A reminder of our uniform list and PE kit list can be found here.  Our uniform policy also clearly states that there should be no false nails, no false eyelashes, nose rings or earrings. Thank you for your support in ensuring that our high standards of uniform and appearance are maintained and allow us to remove barriers to learning. If your child has had a piercing over the summer break, please ensure that it is removed prior to returning to school in line with our agreed uniform policy. Students in years 7 to 11 will be asked to remove piercings in school.

Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s head of learning if you require any support or guidance in relation to our school uniform.
Summer School
Last week, we welcomed the newest members of our college community to summer school. They were a credit to themselves and their families. Students and staff had lots of fun making new friendships, learning new things and getting prepared for September 5th!  Please see our website for more information. 
Relationships at SJP
At SJP, everyone is expected to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and encourage others to do the same. At the core of our purpose as a school is to tackle disadvantage and support our children to become academically and socially fulfilled, self-respecting, global citizens and we are committed to this.  We do this best when we can work directly with the students, role modeling our principles of respect, ready and safe. As always, we appreciate the support and cooperation of families in every aspect of our school community to help us to achieve our shared goals. 
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any queries. 
Enjoy the last few days of the summer break and take care.

Ms Maria Sharratt