Dear Families
I hope that you are enjoying the half term break. I’m writing to update you on a number of points in advance of our return to school on Monday 7th June 2021.
Lateral Flow Testing
Can I remind you that your son/daughter should continue to:
- complete two lateral flow tests on a weekly basis for your child.
- remember to record the result for your child online.
- book a PCR test and inform the school If you record a positive lateral flow test result for your child, please. Your child should then self-isolate until the result of that PCR test. You should inform the school upon receipt of your result and wait for additional advice.
It is also very important to continue following the necessary guidance regarding symptoms. Please do not send your child to school if they are ill or have any of the symptoms associated with Covid-19. This helps us to protect the school community and your family and relatives too.
Uniform and appearance standards
Thank you for ensuring that uniform and appearance standards are maintained. Please note that full school uniform including school shoes is expected at all times as well as travelling to and from school. Make-up is not permitted in years 7 to 11, this includes nail varnish, false eyelashes and false tan. Can I also ask for your co-operation in ensuring that your children do not bring energy / fizzy drinks into school. If your child has one of these drinks, they will be confiscated.
Arrangements for Year 11 from 7 June 2021
From Monday 7 June, Year 11 students will be invited into school to complete any outstanding assessments. This will be done on a student by student basis and parents will be contacted by the Year Team.
From Monday 14 June, the arrangements for Year 11 students will be as follows:
Students returning to SJP Sixth Form will be provided with work on Google Classroom to support them in their transition to Level 3 qualifications. This will provide them with an opportunity to sample subject specific content and enable them to make an informed decision regarding their chosen subjects.
Students going to an alternative school/college are advised to contact their chosen school/college to find out what transition arrangements are in place. Please contact your child’s Head of Learning if you require any further guidance with this.
Students who do not have a confirmed progression route will continue to be offered advice and guidance as well as access to our Career Connect advisor. Please contact your child's Head of Learning if you feel they would benefit from an additional meeting, which you would be advised to attend.
PE Kit September 2021
Following consultation with our College Council and wider student voice, there will be some changes to the PE kit for the next academic year. Please see attached for further information. From September 2021, students will be allowed to wear this new PE kit. Please note, there is no requirement to purchase a new PE kit if your child’s current kit does not need replacing. In response to feedback from students, we have introduced SJP sports leggings which can be worn in PE lessons and extra curricular clubs/activities after half term. The SJP leggings must be purchased from the usual uniform shops; The Other Uniform Store and Wirral Uniform Centre
SJP Experience
During the week beginning Monday 12th July, students will be participating in SJP Experience. During ‘Experience Week’ all students in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 are given opportunities to take part in workshops, trips and visits to develop and demonstrate their understanding of what it means ‘to be more’. A key element of SJP Experience is allocated time for reflection, allowing students not only to participate in exciting and inspiring activities but also to what they have learnt and how this has impacted on them. The school timetable is collapsed and students take part in activities that enable them to develop their own character and understanding of Gospel Values. More detailed information will be shared with you nearer the time.
School entrance and exit
From Monday 7 June, all students in Years 7 to 11 will enter and exit the school via the main gates. Students must not enter the school grounds via the car park at the front of school.
Our Behaviour Policy
Our behaviour policy in school is underpinned by the following three principles:
Ready - Respectful - Safe
These are not only school rules but rules for life. We believe that all members of our school community must be displaying these qualities in order to be able to reach their potential and flourish in school.
Ready - this can be ready to learn, ready to listen, ready to participate, ready to make a positive contribution.
Respectful - respect drives everything that we do in school. Every member of our school community must treat each other with respect and compassion at all times. Students are encouraged and taught to have respect for themselves, their peers, adults and our environment.
Safe - we encourage and teach students how to keep themselves safe. This is particularly important when using technology and social media. Safe in their learning environment, safe with the people around them and safe in the activities in which they are taking part.
When staff speak to students we will be constantly reminding them of our standards and expectations in line with them being ready, respectful and safe and the natural consequences when they fail to follow these rules.
Results’ Days
- Year 13 - Level 3 / A’Level Results’ Day – Tuesday 10th August 2021.
- Year 11 & Year 12 - GCSE / Level 2 Results’ Day and 6th Form confirmation – Thursday 12th August 2021.
I look forward to welcoming students back on Monday 7th June. In the meantime, if you have any queries or concerns, please contact your child’s year team.
Yours sincerely
Ms Maria Sharratt