St John Plessington Catholic College

13-Dec-21 End of Term Letter from the Headteacher

Dear Families

As the Autumn term draws to a close, I am writing to update you on a number of matters.

I would like to thank the students for their hard work and achievements so far. I would also like to thank the staff for their dedication and commitment, as well as parents and carers for your continued support of our SJP community during these challenging times.

We finish the term on Friday 17th December at 12:00. On this day, students are able to wear a Christmas jumper/accessory in return for making a donation to charity. We look forward to having some fun and raising money for our local communities. Unfortunately we are not able to provide school transport at this time.

Once again, we have many success stories to share and good news items to celebrate together. Please do read about these stories and more in our end of term newsletter which will be available on the school website.


Despite constraints, we have continued to focus on what we can do to prepare for Christmas through our collective worship and on what we are still able to do to support our community including collections for charity. In and outside of lessons, we have been focussing on kindness and anti-bullying and how we can demonstrate this in all that we do.

Show Racism The Red Card

Throughout this week, as part of our Personal Development Programme, all year groups and staff have been participating in workshops led by Show Racism The Red Card. The workshops will provide all members of our college community with invaluable opportunities to learn about the causes and the consequences of racism, to understand how they can be upstanders and how they can make a difference to the lives of others.

Ready Respectful Safe

Our behaviour policy, with an emphasis on recognising and celebrating positive behaviour, is becoming embedded in the minds and hearts of our students. It is encapsulated in the three words - Ready Respectful Safe - which we use as our reference points for celebrating the positive behaviours and in guiding our students to self-regulate when behaviour has fallen short of expectations.

Be ready, be respectful and be safe. Please ask your son or daughter to explain what these expectations mean.

Full Uniform and piercings

The SJP uniform is an important part of the culture and ethos of our school. Uniform helps ensure equity between students, creating a sense of pride, aspiration and professional identity for our students and for the school. High standards of dress are expected at all times as an indication that they take pride in belonging to our SJP community. Please ensure that your child has the correct uniform to start the spring term and do not hesitate to contact us should you require support. Piercings are NOT allowed. Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Wearing of Face masks

The wearing of face masks in communal areas will remain compulsory until we are advised otherwise. Can I thank you for your support for this both in supplying your children with them and for urging them to wear them. Can I ask that you provide your child with 2 masks at all times. It is helping to keep us all safe.

Diagnostic Trial Exams and Remote Learning

As you will be aware, the government is intending to go ahead with GCSE and A Level exams this summer. Over the past two weeks, our Year 11 and Year 13 students have been undertaking trial exams which for many is their first experience of formal examinations at their respective levels. These will provide us with crucial information to inform our planning for the time that remains on their courses. They have been revising hard and invariably they have been mature and focused in their approach.

Please join me in urging everyone to enjoy reading one book over the Christmas holiday period and perhaps, the whole family could pause for a moment and take pleasure in a shared read.

What if there is a positive Covid 19 test in the holidays?

Please continue to let us know if your child tests positive for COVID during the holidays. You can do that by emailing

New build of Classroom Block

I am pleased to be able to inform you that work on the new build will commence on 4th January 2022. During the period of construction, health and safety must be at the forefront of our minds as there will be significant disruption to circulation around the school site. Please note that the main school car park will be closed and out of bounds from 4th January. There will be no access for staff, students or parents.

Can I ask that parents do not stop in the bus area as this creates serious health and safety issues as school buses will continue to be able to use the bus stops and students will be boarding the buses.

I will write to you at the end of this week with further specific information regarding the return to school in January. In line with government guidance to allow us to be able to test each student as they return to school, there will be a staggered start to the year.

Once again, I would like to thank you for your continued help and support. I hope you and your family have a restful, peaceful break and enjoy this holiday period. I look forward to seeing your children refreshed and ready to learn in January.

Kind regards

Ms Maria Sharratt