St John Plessington Catholic College

Reports and Review Day

  • At SJP we to report to parents an academic report six times per year, at the end of every six week learning programme.
  • We report the level or grade your child is currently working at, as well as continuing to provide you with an end of year target and an end of Key Stage target. In addition, we will continue to report an effort grade.
  • We also hold “traditional” parental meetings, where you will have the opportunity to meet your child’s subject teachers. We do this according to the format used successfully over the last three years, closing the College for the day for those pupils not involved in meetings.To this end, the College will be open for a Consultation Day on 8th November for parents and children in Years 9&10. All other Pupils will be on study leave for this day. This process will be repeated on 24th January for parents and pupils in Years 7&8.
  • In addition, we publish to parents a new type of report which we are confident will provide you with even more information on your child’s progress. Our Learning Coaches meet with all of our pupils termly to develop what we call an Achievement Portfolio. The Portfolio profiles your child’s academic progress to date and is based upon an interview with his or her Learning Coach.This leads to an Achievement Plan which provides a detailed set of targets for all pupils.Therefore parents receive three plans per year.
  • We therefore provide parents with nine separate reports throughout the year regarding their child’s progress.
  • Along with each Achievement Plan published, there is an invitation to parents to visit the College to discuss their child’s progress with us. Parents may take up this invitation at any time during the academic year.
  • Throughout the year we also hold a “Take your work home day”, when pupils are invited to take home all of their books and work in a bag provided by the College. Parents are invited to sample their child’s work and our assessment of it and make comments on how we can help their child meet his or her targets.