I have recently been elected to be a young person parliament representative for the Wirral.
I wanted to take on this role so that I could ensure that all young people's voices are heard and they know they can speak out about things that affect them. I began my experience leading up to me being elected by joining a youth voice group, which, helped me speak out about things that affect me and my area. I feel this should be important for everyone so I chose to represent the Wirral and make sure young people's voices can be heard. The UK needs more people who aren't afraid to speak up for what they believe in. In the last 10 months. I have been peer educating in arts such as dance and drama were, I help and support vulnerable young people. As I am now a member of the youth parliament (MYP) I will be attending regular meetings with the council officials and will be going to the house of Commons in London where I will debate on issues that affect the Wirral. I will go on residential's in a few weeks where I will meet their UK MYP's and I will take our issues from our area and compare them to other boroughs across the country.