St John Plessington Catholic College

Digital Explorers Workshop

The Digital Explorers Workshop engaged our students with a range of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STE(A)M) subject areas and  hands-on activities. The day was designed to excite and enlighten our students on how STE(A)M is fun, interesting, and results in a rewarding career.

The ‘design, build and test’ activities also helped the students’ personal skills of team work, communication, time management, creativity and problem solving. 

Our student’s explored three areas of emerging tech careers; Internet of Things, A.I. and Crypto-Currencies. They formulated a reasoned argument, held a structured debate and considered multiple points of view.

Our students were also given a brief, worked as a team to plan a project, explored a range of tech careers and skills as they devise their recommendations and presented their ideas confidently to the room.